The 7th International Piano Competition "City of. Acquaviva delle Fonti" is organized by the Cultural Association Centro Studi Musicali "Giovanni Colafemmina," with the patronage and contribution of the City of Acquaviva delle Fonti, Apulia Region (Piiil Cultura), Metropolitan City of Bari, Ministry of Culture. 

The purpose is to promote musical culture and enhance young musicians by highlighting their talent, encouraging and rewarding piano study and stimulating international cultural exchanges by culturally and touristically promoting the area.


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the international piano competition

The Cultural Association Giovanni Colafemmina

"We are in a time when we are constantly being hassled by messages and communications to take an active part in the construction of what is now known As the Society of Consumerist materialism.
But in the intimate we perceive the need for a caress of the soul, that the beauty of art can give us, especially the musical one. The music, in fact, captures the voices of the universe, transforming them into melodies, which become human feelings and songs.
In order to donate these sensations our Association was born, non-profit and open to all those who believe in the values of musical art, of which the young talents who will be formed with our help will be future witnesses..."

Affiliated B&B

The town of Acquaviva offers many hotels/b&b in agreement with the Association with single/double rooms at standard prices.

how to reach acquaviva delle fonti

The city of Acquaviva delle Fonti is located in Apulia.
It is easily accessible by plane, train or car.